
Collaborating with your team to reach your goal of software that works

Software that Works – Recommendations Report

Our team will meet with yours to learn about your software goals and performance issues. We will conduct collaborative discussions with individual representatives from all areas of the software development process, work shadow of key roles in the process, and develop a report with detailed findings and recommendations ranked by value. This process typically takes 4-8 weeks.

Software that Works – Implementation

We have found that the recommendations report is most effective if QA Sherpa works with the team to implement the recommendations.  Often, the team is too focused on their day-to-day work to maintain focus on the new initiatives.  We can offer various levels of support with a discount for a commitment to the effort. This work can be performance under a termed contract or an ad-hoc basis.

Software that Works – Testing/Business Analysis/Team Management

We also offer testing, business analysis, and team management services either through QA Sherpa or through a partner.  Contact us for options and pricing.

Mt Everest
The biggest cause of failure in software-intensive systems is not technical failure; it’s building the wrong thing.
— Mary Poppendieck
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